ad:tech London Success

26 September 2007

Our Managing Director, Jim Stevenson has just returned from Ad:Tech London where his speech was so successful he has been invited to speak at a conference in Barcelona.

More details to follow.

Success in Barcelona

21 February 2007

Well, I really hoped that I’d never get into writing about what I did today on this blog and keep it to the big things which show what we do and the milestones we achieve on behalf of clients.

Having said that, we presented the DEWARS strategy today in Barcelona and then used this to facilitate an ideation session to develop some tactical ideas. With Shift Global this went down so well we have managed to invigorate the Barcelona based Ad agency, the Spanish Market and the Miami based Global team.

The ideas are fantastic and I know they will make DEWARS one of the best websites in the spririts industry, if not just one of the best websites!

However I have promised myself that I will never give away competitive advantage for a client here so you will just have to wait until we start to deploy these excellant ideas. You won’t have to wait to long, just a couple of months, for the launch of the next phase.

We are off to Barcelona

20 February 2007

We are off to Barcelona to start work on the Strategy for DEWARS for next year. While we are there we also want to discuss with the local Spanish market how to localise the website to suit them.

We have a really cool way of activating the Dewarisms campaign online, which we need to develop the full strategy for and also the implementation plan full of tactics to engage the consumers.

Anyway, more of this over the next couple of months.