Online banking scams increase

14 March 2007

Online banking scams jumped 44% to £33.5m in 2006 according to an article in the Financial Time today, mainly down to phishing incidents even though frauds in total reduced by 3%.

Our friends, Fairwinds Partners recently wrote a article on phishing which is very interesting.

Court throws out blogger’s appeal

14 March 2007

Following on from the Court in Turkey shutting down YouTube a Court in Cairo has thrown out an appeal by a blogger convicted of insulting both Islam and President Mubarak of Egypt, returning Abdel Karim Suleiman to complete a four year prison sentence.

I’m really not sure what this says about the Internet or the Digital World generally but it shows legal systems are still trying to understand the internet and bloggers can’t say what they wish and hide online, in certain countries.

New Bacardi Global Terms and Conditions

8 February 2007

As well as consulting on internet strategies and implementing them we also advice on all aspects of the digital world. We therefore raised the issue a few weeks ago that Bacardi’s Terms and Condition and Privacy Policy were out of date and non compliant with new legislation and the new Company’s Act 2006.

It’s much less sexy than websites and other digital stuff, but none the less important so we’ve been working with some very intelligent legal people for a few weeks now to bring the Bacardi portfolio Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy up to date with currently legislation and practices. Our involvement was specifically to advise on how the websites are used, what is required from an operational point of view as well as using our general knowledge of all things digital to advise on Business, Marketing and Technical matters.

These documents cover all Bacardi Portfolio brands; BACARDI, DEWARS, ERISTOFF, CAZADORES, MARTINI, GREY GOOSE and BOMBAY SAPPHIRE as well as locally managed brands.